NSA CSfC Trusted Integrator Provides Communications Security At Home And Abroad
Apriva ISS designs and develops information security solutions to protect sensitive and classified voice and data communications transmitted over black networks.
Communications Security Trusted By Our Nation's Finest
Whether you’re at an office, in the field, or the back of a HumVee, our products and services provide ultimate security for sensitive mobile voice and data communications. Apriva’s deep experience and reputation is trusted every day by the United States federal government, Department of Defense, Intelligence Community, and foreign partners. This includes any number of end-user devices like laptops, tablets, cell phones, over a variety of transports, such as cellular networks, WiFi, Satellite networks, and more.
NSA CSfC Trusted Integrator
Since 2015, Apriva ISS has been a Trusted Integrator under the National Security Agency’s (NSA). This means that our products and services are constantly vetted by the NSA to ensure that we offer the highest level of compliance and security when it comes to designing, developing, deploying, integrating, operating, sustaining, and maintaining our solutions.
Security Engineering Professional Services
Apriva’s core competencies lies in the design, development, integration, deployment and support of highly complex secure communications solutions to the Top-Secret level, with an emphasis on Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC). As an NSA Trusted Integrator, the implementation of the solutions involves a wide variety of skill sets and knowledge. Apriva is immediately prepared to lead or support any activities related to secure solution engineering.
Experience You Can Trust
Apriva ISS is a long-time National Security Agency (NSA) Commercial Solutions for Classified Program (CSfC) Trusted Integrator. This means that our products and services are constantly vetted by the NSA to ensure that we offer the highest level of compliance and security when it comes to designing, developing, deploying, integrating, operating, sustaining, and maintaining everything we do.
Communications Security Products
Apriva’s products are focused on the needs of our customers who require high security communication solutions. Apriva products form the foundation of our solutions and are National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) certified for use within classified solutions, and can be found on the NIAP Database here.
The Mobile Environment Security Architecture (MESA) Virtual Private Network (VPN) forms the foundation of the MESA family of products designed to provide those who require highly secure, standards-based security for both classified and unclassified implementations. It is compatible out of the box with a wide variety of IPsec clients.
MESA Gateway
Apriva’s MESA Communications Gateway (MCG) is a CSfC-compliant infrastructure designed to meet the stringent requirements set by NSA for CSfC solutions. The MCG provides the necessary networking, security and monitoring features to allow connected devices to gain access to classified network resources and services.
Command + Control Suite (CCS)
The Apriva MESA Command & Control Suite (CCS) is essentially the “administrative brain” behind the MESA Communications Gateway. CCS provides the central administration touch point for the boarding and unbearding of devices, controls gateway synchronization and manages failover scenarios to ensure high availability services.
Authentication Products
The Apriva Guard Common Access Card (CAC) Application Programming Interface (API) provides CAC authentication and cryptographic services for devices that require such functionality. The API utilizes Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS 140-2) algorithms and is compatible with major barcode and RFID scanner devices.
Contract Vehicles
Apriva ISS is a Supporting Contractor on several vehicles, including DISA Encore III, GSM-O, Mobile Enterprise Services – Classified, DISA SETI, as well as a variety of other contracts.
Join Us Today
To learn more about Apriva ISS’s Communications Security products and services, or to start working with us today, click the button below, or call (480) 421-7074.