Supporting Contractor on the Following Contract Vehicles
Apriva ISS is the Supporting Contractor on several government Contract Vehicles, including DISA Encore III, GSM-O, Mobile Enterprise Services – Classified, DISA SETI, as well as a variety of other contracts. This makes it easier for the people using our products and services to accomplish their goals.

DISA is a combat support agency of the Department of Defense (DoD). The agency provides, operates, and assures command and control and information-sharing capabilities and a globally accessible enterprise information infrastructure in direct support to joint war-fighters, national level leaders, and other mission and coalition partners across the full spectrum of military operations. ENCORE III is a Multiple Award Contract (MAC) with Individual Task Orders that will be used to perform the 19 performance areas which form the basis for providing information technology (IT) solutions for the development, installation, fielding, training, operation and life-cycle management of components and systems in the operational environments of Combatant Commands and their subordinate components, the military services, Defense agencies, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and other Federal agencies.

GiG Services Management-Operations (GSM-O)
The DISA GSM-O contract is a single award IDIQ, providing Network Assurance, Information Assurance, Network Security, operations support, provisioning, and other related support to the Global Information Grid (GIG). Support covers both CONUS and OCONUS locations.

Navy SEAPORT-e Joint Services Integration Lab (JSIL)
SeaPort-e® is the Navy’s electronic platform for acquiring support services in 22 functional areas including Engineering, Financial Management, and Program Management. The Navy Systems Commands (NAVSEA, NAVAIR, SPAWAR, NAVFAC, and NAVSUP), the Office of Naval Research, Military Sealift Command, and the United States Marine Corps compete their service requirements amongst 2400+ SeaPort-e IDIQ multiple award contract holders.

Mobile Enterprise Services (MES-C)
Mobile Enterprise Security-Classified contract is an IDIQ awarded in 2018 that provides for the ongoing enhancement, engineering, maintenance and support of the DISA Mobility solutions.

DISA SETI (Systems Engineering Technology and Innovation)
SETI is a new multiple-award task order contract (MATOC) vehicle for the Department of Defense. It is based on innovation as a priority to solve the complex IT engineering and developmental requirements for DISA and its mission partners.
Experience You Can Trust
Apriva ISS is a long-time National Security Agency (NSA) Commercial Solutions for Classified Program (CSfC) Trusted Integrator. This means that our products and services are constantly vetted by the NSA to ensure that we offer the highest level of compliance and security when it comes to designing, developing, deploying, integrating, operating, sustaining, and maintaining everything we do.

Join Us Today
To learn more about Apriva ISS’s Communications Security products and services, or to start working with us today, click the button below, or call (480) 421-7074.